About Dr. Deanna Conklin-Danao

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So far Dr. Deanna Conklin-Danao has created 136 blog entries.

How to Put the Happy Back into Happy Holidays

Being happy during the holidays starts with you. If you are dreading the holiday season this year, here are some things to consider.Being happy during the holidays can be difficult – especially if you’re going through a divorce. Many divorced people find the holiday season overwhelming, and “happy” would be the last adjective they use to [...]

4 Things Every Divorced Person Should Do

How you mark the ending of your marriage and the attitude you adopt will greatly impact the kind of life you'll live moving forward after divorce.A divorce can be a long and draining process that can be emotionally, financially and physically exhausting process.However, there is an endpoint.And, while it can seem anti-climactic after seemingly endless [...]

How to Support a Friend Through Divorce

Watching a good friend go through a divorce can be difficult, and it is natural to want to help them. If you wish to support a friend through a divorce, your desire is admirable. It’s important that you offer support that is helpful and not harmful, though.While every divorce is different and the support that [...]

Do You Have to Keep Buying Gifts for Your Ex-Spouse After Divorce?

You certainly don’t have to continue helping your kids by buying gifts for your ex for celebrations like Mother's Day or Father's Day, but here are five reasons why you should consider it.With Mother’s Day just past us and Father’s Day right around the corner, it’s a good time to consider what obligations divorced parents [...]

The Benefits of Co-Mediation in Divorce

Working with a co-mediation team of professionals during divorce provides you with additional benefits beyond working with a single mediator. A mediated divorce uses a neutral third-party mediator to help the parties resolve issues that arise during the divorce. The mediator is not there to make decisions or mandate outcomes. Their role is to help the parties collaborate [...]

Post-Divorce Dating: Things to Consider Before You Get Started

Some of the post-divorce dating advice your friends and family offer is worth considering, while some of it might need to be thrown out!The approaches that people take to post-divorce dating vary widely. Some people are shell-shocked after a divorce and can’t imagine dating, while others want nothing more than to jump right back into [...]

Divorce and the Holidays: What to Do with Your New Significant Other

Making the Most out of Divorce and the Holidays with Your Children  While divorce and the holidays are complicated enough, adding a new significant other to the mix can heighten the anxiety on all fronts. However, there are ways to make this type of an introduction work for all parties. Provided below is a quick decision [...]

Surviving Thanksgiving: Strategies for Managing Family at the Holidays

Flip on the TV at time this year and you’re likely to find some program or movie showing the ideal family Thanksgiving-- loving family, perfectly set table, and laughter and good cheer all around. You can also find holiday cheer on Facebook or Instagram. Perhaps nowhere else in American culture is there a bigger gap [...]

How to Gracefully Attend an Event As Co-Parents

Place Your Children First and Attend an Event as Co-ParentsThe word “graceful” is a deliberate addition to the blog title because anyone can attend an event together, but I want to give some tips on how to attend an event as co-parents and do it well. This matters because when you are co-parenting, you will have [...]

Teenage Suicide: Warning Signs and How to Respond

Teenage suicide has been in the headlines often this year, particularly due to the popular show “13 Reasons Why.” Many parents and educators are having debates about this show, wondering if it's doing more harm than good. No matter what your stance is, teen suicide rates are alarming. The analysis Center for Disease Control (CDC) [...]


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