Managing Strong Emotions During Divorce

People going through divorce experience strong emotions. Among other things, they may feel angry, hurt, disappointed and scared. These feelings are normal and a natural part of mourning the loss of a marriage and the future you imagined. While it’s completely normal to feel these emotions, it’s important that you don’t allow them to overwhelm you. [...]

2016-01-11T14:58:00+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Managing Strong Emotions During Divorce

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Recently Divorced Parents

The New Year is a time to evaluate our lives and set new goals. It’s like those school notebooks in September: a fresh clean start where anything is possible. And yet, this process of starting over can be enormously frustrating. How often do we make New Year’s resolutions that fall by the wayside before the [...]

2016-01-04T15:35:23+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on 3 New Year’s Resolutions for Recently Divorced Parents

The Graying of Divorce: 3 Tips on Coping with Divorce after Decades of Marriage

The "graying of divorce" is a term that relates to the increase in divorces among people aged 50 and older. Compared to 20 years ago, people in this age group are now twice as likely to get a divorce and this group now comprises about 25% of all divorces. While many of these divorces are [...]

2015-12-14T18:04:30+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on The Graying of Divorce: 3 Tips on Coping with Divorce after Decades of Marriage

Helping Your Child Adjust to a New Partner

While you may have sworn off dating forever due to the stress of divorce, most people eventually seek out a new relationship. When kids are involved, there are some tips for introducing and adjusting to a new partner that can help you set the process up for success:Go slow when introducing a new partner: The [...]

2015-11-02T14:47:25+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Helping Your Child Adjust to a New Partner

Changing Jobs Post-Divorce

Many people use divorce as a time to take stock of all the areas in their life, career included. It’s natural as you are making changes to think about the various aspects of your life and what you want for your future.  Most experts recommend not changing jobs in the midst of a divorce because [...]

2015-10-05T13:30:29+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Changing Jobs Post-Divorce

Divorce During Pregnancy

There are both legal and emotional considerations to divorcing while pregnant.  I’m a psychologist, not a lawyer, so I don’t give legal advice, but I will say that some states do not allow for divorce during pregnancy.There is no “right” or “easy” time to get divorced. There are always complicating factors and life events, so [...]

2015-09-22T14:43:24+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Divorce During Pregnancy

My Child Won’t Come to my House for Parenting Time

It is all too common for kids to refuse, at some point, to go to one parent’s house for parenting time. If the issue is abuse, neglect or parent mental illness/substance abuse, this issue requires much more professional involvement (therapists, possibly lawyers). However, there are some steps you and your co-parent can take to address [...]

2015-08-24T13:54:08+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on My Child Won’t Come to my House for Parenting Time

Divorced and Considering Dating? Do These Things First!

Many people are shell-shocked after a divorce and can’t imagine dating again while others want to jump right back into the dating world. I don’t think of it as a matter of the amount of time that’s passed, but rather have you taken the following steps: Really understanding why the marriage ended:  It’s easy to blame [...]

2015-08-10T15:49:26+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Divorced and Considering Dating? Do These Things First!

How Spirituality Can Help You Cope with Divorce

This blog is for people who consider themselves religious, spiritual and/or are interested in exploring that path as a result of the pain of divorce. Divorce can be a great personal challenge. Similar to other difficult times, people can often find comfort in a sense of faith or spirituality. As you work to heal from your [...]

2015-07-27T13:21:15+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on How Spirituality Can Help You Cope with Divorce
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