3 Tips for Coping with Living Together During Divorce

While it may be counterintuitive, legal and logistics often lead spouses to live together after they have decided on getting a divorce. Obviously, this situation can be complicated and lead to uncomfortable feelings. If you find yourself in this situation, here are some tips for get through living together during divorce:1. Create boundariesTo manage in [...]

Sharing Friends After A Divorce

Many people feel that they lose friends after a divorce. They think their friends either “chose” one partner or feel that the friendship disappeared during the divorce process. These feelings can create awkward situations. People often avoid awkward situations, so if you want to have any chance of maintaining those friendships, you will have to [...]

Social Media and Divorce: A Dangerous Combination

Technology and social media have changed all aspects of our lives, and divorce is no different. There are both legal and emotional reasons to be cautious of social media during divorce. I’m not saying you have to be completely unplugged, as appealing as that may sound at times, but to be aware of potential consequences [...]

Sharing Friends After A Divorce

Many people feel that they lose friends after a divorce. They think their friends either “chose” one partner or feel that the friendship disappeared during the divorce process. These feelings can create awkward situations. People often avoid awkward situations, so if you want to have any chance of maintaining those friendships, you will have to [...]

Coping with the First Valentine’s Day after a Divorce

Whether or not you like Valentine’s Day, it’s a hard “holiday” to ignore. We are inundated with ads about romance and material expressions of love, including chocolate and jewelry. If you find yourself dreading the day now that you are divorced, here are some tips: • Check in with yourself. Be honest with yourself about [...]

Thinking About Divorce? Consider Discernment Counseling First

I’ve seen many couples enter couples therapy as a last ditch effort to save their marriage. These efforts rarely succeed, not because the couples lack the right intent, but because the structure and process of couples therapy isn’t designed to answer their primary question: Do I want to be in this marriage at all? For [...]

Getting Back on Track with Your New Year’s Resolutions

If you are like most people, then your resolve to fulfill your resolutions starts to decrease by the 3rd week of January. Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Then take advice from literature on relapse prevention regarding steps you can take to get back on track with your goals. Everyone gets derailed, [...]

Managing Strong Emotions During Divorce

People going through divorce experience strong emotions. Among other things, they may feel angry, hurt, disappointed and scared. These feelings are normal and a natural part of mourning the loss of a marriage and the future you imagined. While it’s completely normal to feel these emotions, it’s important that you don’t allow them to overwhelm you. [...]

3 New Year’s Resolutions for Recently Divorced Parents

The New Year is a time to evaluate our lives and set new goals. It’s like those school notebooks in September: a fresh clean start where anything is possible. And yet, this process of starting over can be enormously frustrating. How often do we make New Year’s resolutions that fall by the wayside before the [...]


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