3 Tips for Coping with Living Together During Divorce

While it may be counterintuitive, legal and logistics often lead spouses to live together after they have decided on getting a divorce. Obviously, this situation can be complicated and lead to uncomfortable feelings. If you find yourself in this situation, here are some tips for get through living together during divorce:1. Create boundariesTo manage in [...]

Thinking About Divorce? Consider Discernment Counseling First

I’ve seen many couples enter couples therapy as a last ditch effort to save their marriage. These efforts rarely succeed, not because the couples lack the right intent, but because the structure and process of couples therapy isn’t designed to answer their primary question: Do I want to be in this marriage at all? For [...]

Conscious Uncoupling: Just a nicer name for divorce?

Along with the most of the world, I learned the phase “conscious uncoupling” after supercouple Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin used it to describe their separation. While the term has been mocked as prototypical celebrity PR doublespeak, it can offer real value to couples that are seeking to end their marriage and are able to [...]


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