Divorce doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Call in a coach.

When Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and his now ex-wife MacKenzie Bezos released statements on Twitter late last week sharing details of their divorce settlement and expressing mutual appreciation, love and respect, and hope for their future as co-parents, many couples may have been wondering how a split could be so seemingly amicable.While the Bezoses haven’t shared details [...]

The Benefits of Co-Mediation in Divorce

Working with a co-mediation team of professionals during divorce provides you with additional benefits beyond working with a single mediator. A mediated divorce uses a neutral third-party mediator to help the parties resolve issues that arise during the divorce. The mediator is not there to make decisions or mandate outcomes. Their role is to help the parties collaborate [...]

5 Tips for Using Your Divorce Coach More Effectively

Divorcing couples are increasingly using financial and mental health support services to navigate what can be a very difficult and draining process. Divorce coaches are mental-health professionals that have received specialized training to help couples manage emotions, strengthen communication, facilitate conflict, and create plans to meet unique family needs. Usually, divorce coaches are part of [...]

Couples Therapy – When it’s time to go for help

In my practice, I see couples for therapy and Collaborative Divorce coaching.  Often, there is not much difference in the level of unhappiness. On average, most couples wait six years after the onset of problems before they seek counseling. Waiting this long allows goodwill to erode and bad feelings to grow.In a perfect world, I [...]

The First Appointment: What to expect and how to get the most out of your first therapy appointment

Entering into therapy can be a transformative experience that can help you improve the quality of your life. However, as with most journeys, the first step is often the hardest. If you’ve made the decision to consider therapy, here are some tips for finding the right therapist for you and for getting the most out [...]

Self-Care isn’t Selfish

The Myth:  Self-care is selfishIn my work, I encounter many people, especially women, who feel selfish for taking time for their own care.  This thought fails to see the difference between being selfish and self-care.  Being selfish is thinking only of your needs at the expense of the well-being of someone else or even yourself.  [...]

Communication Skills For Relationships: The Bad Habits That Are Destroying Your Bond

How do you typically communicate with your spouse? Do you burst into tears when you and your husband fight, just so he’ll give in and comfort you? Do you pout, sulk, or shut down until you get your way? Do you yell, berate, or nag him until he does what you asked? Although these techniques [...]


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