Do You Want Your Parents’ Marriage? Overcoming Relationship Beliefs Passed Down From Your Parents

A handful of people may think their parents had an amazing marriage, while many more think it had both positive and negative qualities and some don’t see much they want to replicate in their own relationships. Even if your parents had a good enough marriage, strategies that worked for them still may not be right [...]

2015-08-17T17:39:50+00:00Relationships|Comments Off on Do You Want Your Parents’ Marriage? Overcoming Relationship Beliefs Passed Down From Your Parents

Are You Sabotaging Your Relationships?

We can both want and fear the same thing. This can lead us to sabotage our relationships. Usually this is not a conscious process, but rather a pattern engaged in over many different relationships. People can fear any number of things in a relationship, such as intimacy, commitment or abandonment, just to name a few.  [...]

2015-06-29T15:58:27+00:00Relationships|Comments Off on Are You Sabotaging Your Relationships?

Trusting a New Partner After a Divorce

Many people feel wary of trusting others after a divorce; perhaps it was the events leading up to the divorce, or maybe it was the divorce process itself. No matter what the reason, it can be a struggle to trust again. Some of the issue lies in trusting others, but it can also be hard [...]

2015-05-26T15:10:15+00:00Divorce, Relationships|Comments Off on Trusting a New Partner After a Divorce

Creating A Supportive Community

Being mentally healthy and getting through difficult times requires the support of  our family and friends.  Yet, too often, we find ourselves feeling judged by these very people.  I want you to take charge of creating a supportive community so that you have those positive connections, in both good and difficult times. Here are some [...]

2015-03-09T14:38:20+00:00Balanced living, Relationships|Comments Off on Creating A Supportive Community

How Romantic Movies Can Decrease Divorce

A recent study found that watching and discussing the relationship interactions in romantic movies during the first three years of marriage cuts the risk of divorce by half. This study from the University of Rochester was recently published in the Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology. Researchers had couples watch a romantic movie once a week [...]

2014-08-18T13:15:47+00:00Divorce, Relationships|Comments Off on How Romantic Movies Can Decrease Divorce
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