Getting Back on Track with Your New Year’s Resolutions

If you are like most people, then your resolve to fulfill your resolutions starts to decrease by the 3rd week of January. Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Then take advice from literature on relapse prevention regarding steps you can take to get back on track with your goals. Everyone gets derailed, [...]

2016-01-18T17:30:13+00:00Balanced living|Comments Off on Getting Back on Track with Your New Year’s Resolutions

This Year’s New Year’s Resolution: Accept Yourself

It’s as predictable as the ball dropping over Time Square:   make a resolution to address the current problem area in our lives.   Lose weight.   Stop smoking.   Shop less.   We all view the new year as an opportunity to reinvent the less desirable aspects of ourselves.  Unfortunately, for most people, making a resolution is the easy part.   [...]

2015-12-28T13:54:44+00:00Balanced living|Comments Off on This Year’s New Year’s Resolution: Accept Yourself

Minimizing the Materialism of the Holidays

One thing that’s as familiar to the holiday season as Christmas carols and cold weather is the overwhelming crush of advertising.   Ads for everything from clothes to jewelry to toys to cars confront us every time we turn our TV, open the newspaper or go online.As parents, the holidays are a challenging time as we [...]

2015-12-21T14:46:47+00:00Balanced living, Family, Parenting|Comments Off on Minimizing the Materialism of the Holidays

Minimizing the Materialism of the Holidays

One thing that’s as familiar to the holiday season as Christmas carols and cold weather is the overwhelming crush of advertising.   Ads for everything from clothes to jewelry to toys to cars confront us every time we turn our TV, open the newspaper or go online.As parents, the holidays are a challenging time as we [...]

2015-11-30T19:52:45+00:00Balanced living, Family, Parenting|Comments Off on Minimizing the Materialism of the Holidays

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Everyone hears the phrase “You need to get out of your comfort zone!” I wanted to share with you why it matters to get out of your comfort zone, but also why it matters to stay in at times.  Your comfort zone is what is familiar to you – your routines and habits. Your comfort [...]

2015-06-15T14:09:27+00:00Balanced living|Comments Off on Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Why Not to Stress over Your Child’s Boredom This Summer

It’s easy to find websites devoted to expensive and elaborate ways to keep your children entertained over the summer. I want to encourage you to embrace the boredom because it’s actually good for your kids! A while ago, I blogged about a study that showed how many adults would prefer an electrical shock to being [...]

2015-06-01T14:15:11+00:00Balanced living, Parenting|Comments Off on Why Not to Stress over Your Child’s Boredom This Summer

Creating A Supportive Community

Being mentally healthy and getting through difficult times requires the support of  our family and friends.  Yet, too often, we find ourselves feeling judged by these very people.  I want you to take charge of creating a supportive community so that you have those positive connections, in both good and difficult times. Here are some [...]

2015-03-09T14:38:20+00:00Balanced living, Relationships|Comments Off on Creating A Supportive Community

New Year’s Resolutions and the theory behind change

Now is the time of year when many people make New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, we’ve also reached the time of year where many people have already given up on their resolutions. I want to share with you a theory of change that was developed by Prochaska and DiClemente in the late 70s when they were [...]

2015-01-12T16:46:29+00:00Balanced living|Comments Off on New Year’s Resolutions and the theory behind change

New Year’s Resolution: Let It Go

For anyone with a daughter under the age of 10, “Let It Go” is synonymous with the Frozen, the hit Disney film. However, it’s also a useful mantra for adults concerning New Year’s resolutions.We make all kinds of New Year’s resolutions. We may say that we’ll start exercising or lose weight. Maybe we’ll spend less [...]

2014-12-29T16:31:29+00:00Balanced living|Comments Off on New Year’s Resolution: Let It Go

Results of a “Shocking” Study

A recent study from the University of Virginia explored the concept of “mind wandering.” I found one of their findings to be “shocking” to say the least: 2/3 of the men surveyed and 1/4 of the women said that they would prefer to receive a small electrical shock to being alone with their thoughts. One theory [...]

2014-07-14T14:53:39+00:00Balanced living|Comments Off on Results of a “Shocking” Study
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