Nourishing Your Mind and Spirit After a Divorce

Healing from a divorce takes time, but time alone will not be enough. You also have to actively care for yourself in order to truly heal. I often talk about self-care as a component of my blog and this post will look at caring for yourself using both internal and external resources.Physical: Physically caring for [...]

2015-03-16T14:36:11+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Nourishing Your Mind and Spirit After a Divorce

Divorce After Decades of Marriage

Most divorces occur within the first couple years of marriage as couples realize they are not compatible or within 5-10 years of marriage, often due to the stress of young children. However, divorce after the age of 50 and divorce of long term marriages has increased. When you have been married for decades, you have [...]

2015-03-02T15:18:00+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Divorce After Decades of Marriage

Keep Your Child’s View Of Their Parent Positive

We know from literature about children and divorce that one of the best predictors of a child’s outcome after the divorce is a good relationship with both parents (assuming there are no issues of abuse or neglect). So, how can you help keep your child’s view of his/her other parent positive? Here are some tips:Don’t [...]

2015-02-16T15:29:50+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Keep Your Child’s View Of Their Parent Positive

7 Things Women Should Know About Divorce Before Getting One (by Marjie Killeen, guest blogger)

This guest blog piece was originally written for  Make It Better:  www.makeitbetter.netThis column often focuses on how to keep marriage hot, but the truth is not all women are in relationships that will last. This time of year—January through March—is known as “divorce season” because it’s when most couples file for dissolution of marriage in [...]

2015-02-02T18:20:23+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on 7 Things Women Should Know About Divorce Before Getting One (by Marjie Killeen, guest blogger)

Telling Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

No matter how unhappy your marriage has been or how determined you are to seek a divorce, tell your spouse that you want a divorce is a difficult conversation. It will be emotional and painful, regardless of whether divorce has been discussed in the past or if it’s the first time they will be hearing [...]

2015-01-05T16:26:48+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Telling Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

Sharing Friends After A Divorce

Many people feel that they lose friends after a divorce. They think their friends either “chose” one partner or feel that the friendship disappeared during the divorce process. These feelings can create awkward situations. People often avoid awkward situations, so if you want to have any chance of maintaining those friendships, you will have to [...]

How To Survive The First Holiday Season After a Divorce

The first holiday season after a divorce is bound to have some challenges for both you and your children. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to help your family survive the season and make the holidays more enjoyable.Acknowledge your child's feelings. Your child may feel sad or even angry about the divorce and [...]

2014-12-15T17:30:48+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on How To Survive The First Holiday Season After a Divorce

Letting Go of the Guilt in Divorce

When I meet with divorcing parents, they often talk about how guilty they feel about putting their kids through divorce. They worry about the impact of that the divorce will have on these kids and how unfair it is that their kids will suffer for the actions of their parents.While these feelings are understandable and [...]

2014-12-01T14:35:46+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Letting Go of the Guilt in Divorce

Building Trust in Divorce

Trust in the divorce process is a rare commodity. As a divorce coach, the most common use of the word “trust” that I hear comes in some form of “I don’t trust him.” or “I will never trust her again.”In certain cases, building trust between the two parties may not be possible. In instances where [...]

2014-11-17T17:13:50+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Building Trust in Divorce

Telling People About your Divorce

One of the more challenging aspects of getting a divorce is figuring how to tell people about it. Most people have a wide range of relationships—from casual acquaintances to close friends and family—and trying to find the right time and way to inform them about this major life change can be difficult.In most cases, since [...]

2014-10-20T13:19:00+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Telling People About your Divorce
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