Caring for Yourself Physically to Heal from Divorce

Taking care of yourself physically is extremely important when you are going through and healing from the divorce process. Divorce is physically, emotionally and financially depleting – even when it’s something you chose and wanted to happen. When you are stressed out, making decisions and coping can be compromised. Caring for yourself physically provides a [...]

2015-07-13T14:17:10+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Caring for Yourself Physically to Heal from Divorce

One on One Dates with Your Kids after Divorce

Divorce can leave everyone feeling unsettled. Helping your kids find their footing during and after the divorce is a priority.  One of the best predictors of a child’s healthy adjustment to divorce is a close relationship with both parents. One of the ways you can maintain (or develop) that closeness is to have one on [...]

2015-06-22T15:57:14+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on One on One Dates with Your Kids after Divorce

Creating an Atmosphere of Calm after Your Divorce

Going through a divorce is a stressful process and when it’s over, you’ll want to re-establish a sense of peace for yourself and for your family.  It’s easy to stay focused on the anger and the post-divorce struggles. However, with intentional effort, you can shift your focus to creating peace and stability with these tips: Self-care. [...]

2015-06-08T13:27:43+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Creating an Atmosphere of Calm after Your Divorce

Creating an Atmosphere of Calm after Your Divorce

Going through a divorce is a stressful process and when it’s over, you’ll want to re-establish a sense of peace for yourself and for your family.  It’s easy to stay focused on the anger and the post-divorce struggles. However, with intentional effort, you can shift your focus to creating peace and stability with these tips: Self-care. [...]

2015-06-08T13:27:43+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Creating an Atmosphere of Calm after Your Divorce

Trusting a New Partner After a Divorce

Many people feel wary of trusting others after a divorce; perhaps it was the events leading up to the divorce, or maybe it was the divorce process itself. No matter what the reason, it can be a struggle to trust again. Some of the issue lies in trusting others, but it can also be hard [...]

2015-05-26T15:10:15+00:00Divorce, Relationships|Comments Off on Trusting a New Partner After a Divorce

What to Do When Only One of You Wants a Divorce

It is not uncommon for one party to want to divorce and that party's spouse to want to work on the marriage. In this blog post, I’m going to talk about steps you can take to communicate this to your partner. As a disclaimer: This is not legal advice, nor is it the recommended path [...]

2015-05-11T17:23:31+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on What to Do When Only One of You Wants a Divorce

What to Tell (and Not Tell) Your Kids About the Divorce

I’ve written in my previous posts how to tell your kids that you're getting a divorce. What I want to focus on in this blog, is what to tell and not tell your kids about the specifics of why you are getting the divorce.  Although the content will vary by age and emotional development, there [...]

2015-04-27T14:57:31+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on What to Tell (and Not Tell) Your Kids About the Divorce

Keep Your Child’s View Of Their Parent Positive

We know from literature about children and divorce that one of the best predictors of a child’s outcome after the divorce is a good relationship with both parents (assuming there are no issues of abuse or neglect). So, how can you help keep your child’s view of his/her other parent positive? Here are some tips:Don’t [...]

2015-04-13T13:25:25+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Keep Your Child’s View Of Their Parent Positive

Handling Intrusive Questions About Your Divorce

When you are going through a divorce, all kinds of people will ask all kinds of intrusive questions. Sometimes, it is well-intentioned, but other times it will feel voyeuristic and mean-spirited. How should you respond? Here are some tips to consider:Be prepared. You don’t want to be blindsided, so have a few scripted responses at [...]

2015-03-30T17:26:07+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Handling Intrusive Questions About Your Divorce

Handling Intrusive Questions About Your Divorce

When you are going through a divorce, all kinds of people will ask all kinds of intrusive questions. Sometimes, it is well-intentioned, but other times it will feel voyeuristic and mean-spirited. How should you respond? Here are some tips to consider:Be prepared. You don’t want to be blindsided, so have a few scripted responses at [...]

2015-03-30T17:26:07+00:00Divorce|Comments Off on Handling Intrusive Questions About Your Divorce
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